Privacy Policy

Ashoof team welcomes you, and thanks you for your trust in it, and informs you that Ashouf is a-fully aware that the user has rights, (Ashoof seeks to preserve the information of users in accordance with the mechanism of privacy policy and confidentiality of information in force in Ashoof .Therefore, Ashoof clarifies  You that the privacy policy and confidentiality of information under which your information will be treated as follows:


 First: the information that Ashoof obtains and maintains in its databases

 User personal information, such as name, age, e-mail, national identity number or residence number.
 The user's personal login information, such as the user name, password, e-mail, and the question and answer for retrieval of the password.
 The nature of the electronic platform may impose some information related to cookies for electronic purposes that facilitate the interaction between the store and the user.

 Second: Do I see you share this information?

 Of course, Ashoof seeks to keep this information in a way that preserves the privacy of the user, and Ashoof does not keep this information except for the purpose of improving the quality of the online store and facilitating the interaction between Ashoof and the user.
 As a general rule, all this information is only available to those in charge of Ashoof , and they will not publish or broadcast it to others.
 Since Ashoof seeks to preserve the safety of users, if Ashoof  observes any illegal or illegal activity by the user, Ashoof  may inform the relevant authorities after consulting with Ashoof attorney.

 Third: How secure is the confidentiality of the store's information?

 Ashoof seeks to maintain the confidentiality of information and privacy policy of users and will not violate the provisions of these rules and policy.  However, since it is not possible to guarantee this 100% through the means of the Internet, the Ashoof team notes the following:
 Ashoof seeks to preserve all user information and not to be viewed by anyone in violation of this policy in force in Ashoof.
 The highest protection of this information is done by "certain servers?"  Protected by electronic protection systems "Special software?".
 However, since the Internet cannot be guaranteed 100% of what may occur from penetration or viruses to electronic security systems and the firewalls in force in Ashoof , Ashoof advises users to keep their information strictly confidential, and not to disclose any information that the user deems very important to him,  This is in the interest of guiding and guiding users.

 Fourth: Is there a third party in the relationship between (Ashoof ) and the merchant?

 "The Privacy Policy is set out here in relation to cases in which there is a third party, such as marketers, technicians, consumers, and any other person associated with the relationship."

 Fifth: Rules and provisions for the use of Ashoof :

 All obligations of Ashoof , all obligations of users, and all rights contained in the relationship between the user or consumer and Ashoof , are found here,these rules are the "Privacy Policy and Confidentiality of Information" and emanating from the agreement concluded between the user and Ashoof regarding the legal and legal relationship  Between them, the Privacy and Confidentiality of Information Policy has been developed to ensure the credibility and trust that Ashoof is keen to provide to users.